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 Published by the Church of Scientology International

North America's Crime of the Century?
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“Mind control”
experimentation exposed

Save Lives

Any and all information relevant to abuses or human rights violations reported in this article should be sent to Freedom to forward its ongoing investigation.

If you have other data regarding psychiatric experiments upon children, or the use of violent or coercive psychiatric methods against them, Freedom also wants to hear from you.

Send full information in writing to Freedom Magazine, 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1200, Los Angeles, CA 90028.

E-mail, call (323) 960-3500, or click here to Freedom Investigations

After psychiatrist Ewen Cameron’s destructive activities — vicious brain-damaging experimentation on unsuspecting patients — were exposed and condemned in U.S. Congressional hearings in the 1970s, the psychiatric industry promoted the notion that he had acted alone. Investigation by Freedom, however, proved this to be false. Indeed, other psychiatrists, including William Sargant of the United Kingdom, while publicly decrying Cameron’s work, were secretly performing similar tests.24

Colin Ross, M.D., an authority on mind control experiments and author of such books as Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality Disorder by Psychiatrists, pointed out that Cameron and Sargant were two of the four founders of the World Psychiatric Association.

Ross told Freedom that psychiatrists carried out a deliberate campaign of deception in Cameron’s wake to limit the damage to psychiatry’s reputation. The disinformation, he said, conveyed that Ewen Cameron and his brutal work had been “just an isolated incident, that it happened a long time ago back in the ’50s, and that there were different ethical standards back then.”

But Ross noted that while Cameron’s research “completely violated the ethical standards of the time,” his experiments were far from isolated from his fellow psychiatrists.

And although books, documentaries and films such as “The Manchurian Candidate” have exposed the exploitation of adults in mind control, and the victims of his well-publicized intelligence agency-funded experimentation were compensated by the Canadian federal government, little has been communicated about the use of such coercive methods on children, as with the Duplessis Orphans.

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