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Freedom Magazine, published by the Church of Scientology

Be Competent By L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard

The Way to Happiness is a common-sense guide to better living. A testimony to the regard in which he held men of good will, no matter their faith, L. Ron Hubbard wrote this moral code for use by adults and children of all faiths.

It contains 21 precepts for successful living in a modern world. The first part of Precept 17 is included here; others will be published in future editions of Freedom. From Precept 17 of The Way to Happiness:

n an age of intricate equipment and high-speed machines and vehicles, one’s survival and that of one’s family and friends depends in no small measure upon the general competence of others.

In the marketplace, in the sciences, the humanities and in government, incompetence can threaten the lives and future of the few or the many.

I am sure you can think of many examples of this.


Encourage the attainment of competence in any worthwhile pursuit. Compliment it and reward it whenever you find it.
Man has always had an impulse to control his fate. Superstition, propitiation of the right gods, ritual dances before the hunt, can all be viewed as efforts, no matter how faint or unavailing, to control destiny.

It was not until he learned to think, to value knowledge and to apply it with competent skill that he began to dominate his environment. The true “gift of heaven” may have been the potential to be competent.

In common pursuits and activities, man respects skill and ability. These in a hero or athlete are almost worshiped.

The test of true competence is the end result.

To the degree that a man is competent, he survives. To the degree he is incompetent, he perishes.

Encourage the attainment of competence in any worthwhile pursuit.

Compliment it and reward it whenever you find it.

Demand high performance standards. The test of a society is whether or not you, your family and friends can live in it safely.

The ingredients of competence include observation, study and practice.

The way to happiness is best traveled with competent companions.


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