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   Published by the Church of Scientology International

“Welcome to the Fort Harrison Hotel”
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Freedom Magazine, published by the Church of Scientology

L. Ron Hubbard

Exhibit tells the story of a remarkable life in hundreds of unique and fascinating photos

“My childhood memories consist of being insufferably hot in a swing in an Oklahoma yard ... of watching bluebirds from a tent at the ‘Old Homestead’ ... of having lots of fistfights with kids in Helena ... of Dad carefully abstaining from water when the car broke down in a limitless Nevada desert, of rain at night in San Diego, of my Uncle Bob’s coffee store in Tacoma, of the awful abysses below the curling mountain roads of the Rockies, of, in short, many cities, many countrysides ... and all this before I was ten.”—L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard was equally accomplished in many fields—including photography, aviation, engineering, navigation, administration, exploration and the arts—among others.
From the time of his birth in Tilden, Nebraska in 1911, L. Ron Hubbard’s early days served as an eventful runway to a life full of adventure. By the time he was 18 he had already traveled to China and the furthest reaches of Asia—an almost unheard of breadth of travel and world experience in the 1920s for one so young. Over the next decade or so, he would navigate and chart the western coast of Alaska, conduct a mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico, earn his wings as an accomplished aviator, script movies for Hollywood and become a household name as a popular author of adventure stories—while taking his place alongside the founding and guiding literary masters of the “golden age” of science fiction—Heinlein, Asimov and those others who shaped the genre.

He lived a life full of accomplishment spanning 31 professions and arts, yet concurrently, Mr. Hubbard was constantly exploring man’s spiritual nature and seeking answers and solutions to the many problems of man’s existence—codifying what he found so that it could be used for the benefit of others. The result of his work is the religion of Scientology, flanked by his humanitarian discoveries resulting in effective remedies to drug addiction, criminality and illiteracy.

What was it that set Mr. Hubbard apart from other men in his search for wisdom? And how have his achievements impacted society? To answer these and many other questions, the “Images of a Lifetime” Exhibit—a photographic chronology of Mr. Hubbard’s life and achievements—was created and has traveled throughout the world.

The exhibit was brought to Clearwater for the 75th anniversary gala of the Fort Harrison Hotel, where it remains due to popular demand. It is on display each Sunday, part of the weekly historic Fort Harrison Open House and Tour from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For more information contact Pat Harney, (727) 467-6860.

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