The Quest for a Great City
The Church of Scientology, in the heart of Clearwater’s waterfront downtown, is dedicated to working with the city to create a community where all can flourish and prosper.
Clearwater, Florida, is flush with potential. Nature has been kind to the city—with an abundance of sun and sand, plus magnificent access to the Gulf of Mexico. The city has a rich diversity of ethnic groups, and many talented citizens who are leaders in the arts, civic affairs and business. What gives Clearwater a leg up on most other medium-sized Florida cities is a dynamic anchor for downtown—the international spiritual headquarters of the Church of Scientology. Florida State University economists tally the Church’s annual contribution to the city at a stunning $917 million. In this issue, Freedom examines the July 2014 economic impact study that arrived at this figure, and looks at how the windfall is revitalizing Clearwater’s once-dying downtown.
The Church of Scientology, in the heart of Clearwater’s waterfront downtown, is dedicated to working with the city to create a community where all can flourish and prosper.
Since Clearwater is a magnet for artistic talent—as at the newly opened Capitol Theatre—the time has come to tap a plan to bolster the visual, performance and literary arts in the city.