John Blosser
Investigative Reporter
John is a Florida-based investigative journalist and magazine reporter who has been a writer his entire life. He has covered everything from entertainment to medical news, and has traveled the world—from Brazil to Russia and Canada to Rome—in search of the truth and a good story.
Some 1 in 3 Americans Harmed by Loved Ones’ Use of Alcohol or Drugs
A study by the Alcohol Research Group shows 160 million collateral damage victims of substance abuse, including traffic accidents, vandalism, physical harm, financial issues and family or marriage problems.
United States Scores a Miserable “D” for Human Rights Record
University of Rhode Island’s Global RIghts Project ranked 195 countries; 62 percent failed outright, and only 20 percent scored an "A" or "B." Global respect for people’s fundamental rights is in decline.
“Mental Health” Counselors Continue to Rip Off American Taxpayers
Twenty billion in annual fraud originates in the mental health industry. In the latest embarrassment, three Connecticut counselors were caught red-handed.
Scottish Police Smash Thai Sex Trafficking Ring
Couple trafficked Thai women to Scotland, burdened them with huge debt and forced them into prostitution to “pay it back.” The perpetrators face years in prison.
Martin Scorsese’s New Docuseries on Saints Explores His Own Spiritual Quest
Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints is the capstone to a life and career that examines the arc between saint and sinner through the spiritual world of Catholicism.
Psychiatrists & Corporate Pushers Behind Failed Attempts to Saturate US with Psychedelic Drugs
They failed, and despite hundreds of millions in spending, every pro-drug initiative in the US went down to defeat this year. America understands the scourge of drugs better than the pushers.
Federal Agencies Continue to Duck FOIA Requests with Glomar Response
Eagerly adopted across the whole of government, this trick allows bureaucrats to duck FOIA accountability by refusing to even “confirm or deny the existence” of records.
Reporters Support Sex Trafficking at the Expense of Child Victims
Backpage was seized and shut down by the government, its founder jailed (after another committed suicide). So why are reporters standing up for the site and its sex trafficking?
UN Approves “Study” on Effects of Nuclear War
The real question is: Why study a topic with a conclusion well known to almost every person on Earth?
California Surrenders to Dangerous Psilocybin, Ignores the Law
Classed by the DEA with the same designation as LSD and heroin, mind-altering psilocybin is being sold illegally in California, which has abandoned enforcement of the law.