Logan H. Merrill

Investigative Reporter


Logan graduated from Brandeis University under the writing tutelage of famed playwright William Gibson. After authoring scripts for film and television, Logan shifted his focus to online journalism. He specializes in media and ethics, human rights and psychiatric abuse.



Chaotic Clifton T. Perkins Psychiatric Hospital Adds to Its Grim Résumé of Violence and Abuse

Why did it take 75 seconds for personnel to act while a man was lifted up, slammed on the ground twice, kicked in the head and stomped on nearly 20 times? Ask the psychiatric industry of death.


The Verdict Is In: The Public Detests Psychiatry

A new study published by Cambridge University Press confirms what everyone already knows: The reputation of the psychiatric industry is as bad as the conduct of its members.


Religious Leaders, Scholars and Activists Deplore Japan’s Trashing of Freedom of Religion

Japan’s frenzied headlong pursuit toward the dissolution of the Unification Church threatens the survival of religions everywhere, with repressive new laws that impact all faiths.


Drug Use Among Teens Falling, New Study Says

Despite the best marketing effort of the tobacco and cannabis industries, more kids than ever are saying no. Education is the most likely reason—and the ultimate answer. 


National Human Trafficking Prevention Month Calls Attention to Horrors of Sexual Exploitation

Undercover operatives work tirelessly to break up forced labor and sex trafficking networks, confronting “things that cannot be unseen.”


UK Psychiatric Facilities Flout Law, Maiming Patients With “Prone Restraint”

Seni’s Law in the UK bans the disproportionate and inappropriate use of face-down psychiatric restraint because it kills patients. The death industry that is psychiatry doesn’t care.


Europe Flooded by Ecuadorian Cocaine Through Unlikely Albanian Connection

More than $12 billion in cocaine is flooding Europe through an alliance between South American gangs and an Albanian criminal network.


Education Is Key to Ending Antisemitism, Study Reveals

While Holocaust education is only required in 29 states, 89 percent of Americans support it. But only one in three parents say their kids are receiving education on the Holocaust, according to a new survey. 


White Supremacist Prison Gangs Act as Crime Vectors in Almost Every State

While organized from prisons, these gangs cause harm that extends everywhere—with one gang trafficking enough fentanyl to kill everyone in Seattle-Tacoma, plus half a million more.


Fish Hooked on Drugs Bodes Ill for Humans

“Red-flag” study shows fentanyl and other drugs are making their way into our water and the creatures that use it… including us.