Education Is Key to Ending Antisemitism, Study Reveals
While Holocaust education is only required in 29 states, 89 percent of Americans support it. But only one in three parents say their kids are receiving education on the Holocaust, according to a new survey.
LA County Reports Highest Ever Hate Crimes, With Spikes in Virtually Every Category
After three consecutive years of double-digit increases, the number of reported hate crimes in 2023 spiked by 45 percent, from 930 to 1,350, the highest figure since reporting began in 1980.
Lufthansa’s Record Civil Rights Violation Penalty for Antisemitism Is a Cautionary Tale
The airline receives $4 million fine for denying boarding to 128 Jewish passengers; US Special Envoy calls actions “unbelievable” and “outrageous.”
Hate Crimes Continue to Plague US, With Major Surge in Anti-Jewish Crime Most Notable
While law enforcement and advocates look for solutions, victims of hate crimes are more common than ever—and more scared.
Mass Slaughter Against Religious Minorities Remains Endemic Worldwide
On the 10th anniversary of the Yazidi Genocide, organizations are looking for solutions that will end the scourge of genocide—often directed against religious minorities—and protect vulnerable populations.
On September Asia-Pacific Tour, Pope Francis Spreads the Gospel of Interfaith Cooperation
Pope Francis’ trip illustrates how he embodies and lives the values of Catholicism.
August Marks Second Anniversary of Holland’s Full Religious Recognition of Scientology
Recognized for its half a century of work in the Netherlands, the Church promotes drug education and morality programs for the good of all.