Many hands, many hours power the Scientology network to its launch

20 film crews based on 6 continents
Scientology Media Productions, through its fully equipped television production facilities and correspondent teams on six continents, is able to cover the Church’s expansion and its humanitarian initiatives across the globe.
1,042,902 hours
Here is what it takes to launch a TV channel

219,000 hours dedicated to installing audiovisual infrastructure
Scientology Media Production’s audiovisual systems were designed from the ground up to create a high performance system with the most sophisticated media technology in the world. At its heart is a central information storage cluster of 3.2 million gigabytes. The entire studio is fully networked and integrated providing every department with universal access through 27 miles of fiber optic cable.

18,250 hours dedicated to the production of broadcast content
Teams of directors, writers, editors, musicians and audio mixers, operating from 20 editing suites, 6 voice recording booths and 7 mix rooms create new shows and episodes weekly at Scientology Media Productions. With correspondent teams on six continents shooting and transmitting hundreds of hours of footage each week, the Scientology Network’s programming continues to expand.

1,500 minutes of original content
New television networks often launch with only 60 minutes or less of original content and rely on outside shows or films to fill their schedule. The Scientology Network launched with six original series and has more shows in production and development.

100% in-house music scoring on all shows
With three scoring rooms and a staff team of world-class musicians, the network’s shows are all scored, edited and recorded in house.
Over 2,000 VFX shots produced for original content

Scientology Media Productions Visual Effects (VFX) professionals have created more computer-generated shots for the Scientology Network TV shows than are produced for even the most VFX-laden feature film.
16 languages
TV shows and films airing on the Scientology Network are translated into 16 languages by a team of in-house translators using the most sophisticated translations software in the world.
2.4 million translated words
To prepare for the launch of the network, every TV show was meticulously translated to bring these messages of hope to more people all over the world.

136,366 square feet of facilities
Scientology Media Productions is the global media center for the Church of Scientology. Inaugurated in May 2016, it is home to the Scientology Network, the worldwide hub for delivering news and information about Scientology, and is an important resource for the Church’s ever-expanding humanitarian initiatives.

720 hours of footage daily
Central Ingest receives incoming footage from the global network of Scientology Media Productions correspondent teams on six continents and dozens of other videographers.
20 editing bays
The center’s editing suites enable creative teams to produce multiple shows and documentaries, and each suite is set up with full state-of-the-art equipment for seamless integration of programming.
6 voice recording booths
The fully equipped booths provide for flawless sound and are used in part for in-house translated voice-over recordings in 16 languages.
7 surround sound mix rooms
Equipped with custom audio systems to ensure the highest quality, the media center includes 7 facilities for music soundtracks and audio post production.
21 VFX stations
With 150 terabytes of processing capability and over 115 high-end servers, the Scientology Media Productions in-house VFX team produces computer-generated graphics for all shows.

3 cutting-edge sound stages
Over 16,600 square feet of sound stages for video production and news broadcasts are used in the production of network programming. These stages contain 720 lights on a fully-rigged “fly system.”

3 TV control rooms
Three control rooms are used for live and recorded shows on any one of the studio’s three stages.