“I love watching this community grow and making it a better place,” says Dr. Paul Rodeghero of Clearwater Family Dental clinic. “Clearwater is a beautiful place to be. My wife and I used to come on vacations here, and then we decided to move here.”
The friendliness that Rodeghero receives from other members of the community, since moving to Clearwater 10 years ago, is what he likes most about the area. “You just have to give back to it.” Rodeghero does that in part by volunteering at a veterans center in New Port Richey.
The other part is bringing his 35 years of dental expertise to the table with a team of 25 employees. “Every year we do a Free Dental Day in April, and we do free dental work for 150 to 200 people every year,” says Rodeghero. “We treat veterans as well, and we’ve been doing it for years.”
During that period in April, Rodeghero also provides his services to the homeless. “We always give back to this community any way we can,” says Rodeghero.
Rodeghero’s wide berth of services also includes perio laser surgery; mercury removal; clear, wireless braces; oral cancer screening; and more. “The need to help others and help them feel better” is what inspired Rodeghero to seek a dental career, graduating from Ohio State University College of Dentistry in 1983.
His desire to help others also extended to his fellow dentists by getting dental licenses in eight states, providing substitution services for dentists across the U.S. before starting his private practice in Clearwater.
“I’m technically brand-new to this community for only being here 10 years,” said Rodeghero. “This community is great because I’ve interacted with so many nice people here coming to my business. So we have to give back in exchange obviously.”